
It’s time to fight back

When Justice Clarence Thomas wrote his concurrence he welded together the freedoms to love and choose — both are at great risk. Agenda PAC is filling a gap and creating something that doesn’t exist in the political ecosystem right now —an entity laser focused on creating aggressive campaigns going after the beatable bigots on our shared freedoms of LGBTQ+ rights and reproductive rights.

Agenda PAC is going to fill that void.


Agenda PAC is a new, national political action committee that aims to hold anti-LGBTQ+ politicians and elected officials accountable, as well as defend vulnerable elected officials who are advocates for LGBTQ+ rights. We cannot allow attacks on our freedoms to go unchecked, and Agenda PAC will be the only national organization to sit at the intersection of pro-LGBTQ+ and pro-choice action – standing up against conservative attacks to roll back these hard-fought freedoms. 

While there are existing advocacy and education efforts to promote LGBTQ rights – as well as political efforts to elect more LGBTQ officials – there is currently no organized, national campaign to hold accountable politicians who attack our community’s rights via independent expenditures. Agenda PAC aims to strategically fill this gap and put its resources into winnable electoral races and moving pro-LGBTQ donors, advocates and activists to action.

Agenda PAC will bring the fight for LGBTQ+ rights to the doorstep of those who attack our community.

Why now?

With Roe v. Wade overturned, it is a matter of when—not if—marriage equality and other LGBTQ+ freedoms will soon come under fire at the Federal and State levels.

It’s already happening.

In just the last year, numerous attacks against our community have surfaced:

  • New legislation introduced at the federal level targeted at reducing federal funding for states that prevent anti-LGBTQ+ foster care and adoption agencies from participating in child-welfare programs

  • Supreme Court rulings that threaten our community’s rights, including the reversal of Roe v. Wade, and a June 2021 ruling that allowed a religious group to exclude LGBTQ+ foster parents

  • The Senate’s inability to pass the Equality Act which would add LGBTQ+ people to existing federal civil rights law, giving protections in housing, health care, and more replacing the patchwork of protections that some state legislatures have passed and some haven’t

  • Increased and continued violence against trans women of color

Agenda PAC aims to directly connect the LGBTQ+ community & its allies to political influence and power both in Washington and across the country.